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Getting to know Jisset (Darkside Tinkerbell) and Nypmh Cove


What happens when you realize your ideal place does not exist in SL?  Well you build it of course and that is exactly what Jisset, founder and builder of Nymph Cove did and we are going to delve into her inspiration and reasons in further detail.

It is important to note that while the majority of the content we write about for LGH is PG. Jisset and Nymph Cove present a challenge, Nymph Cove is very much a Disneyesque Adult Wonderland, as you get to know it's Host Jisset, you soon discover that what might make others blush, if for her normal and very natural behavior. So keeping within the strict policy off this site, much of the interview will be in "code" hopefully recognizable by the more mature reader.
There is reference to consensual activities but we are talking to Jisset, about Nymph Cove, so this should be expected.

Never backward about coming forward, Jisset is blunt and straight to the point with what she says and wants.  The below has been slightly softened in verbiage while maintaining the integrity of her replies but again, do expect adult references and terms.  While this is quite minimal in comparison to the overall content, it is there and this is the disclaimer advising you of such.  

Let's dive in and see what she and I talked about and then I'll wrap it up at the end.

"I came here (to SL) with no real plan, for a long while all I wanted to do was "do" everything in sight, knock a few fantasy Monsters off my bucket list and stuff I would not try in real. I discovered building when I started renting properties and kept running outta prims. Eventually it occurred to me that it is cheaper and easier to "own" a Region, so Nymph Cove was born that was maybe 2 years ago?"

Further discussion and her thoughts on why she created an Adult themed area.

"I was often let down by what I found on many Adult Regions as well, it seemed to me adult activity was only acceptable by most if it was made to be dirty, taboo and domineering. K**k for many seemed to be all about the power-play more specifically, ownership, indenture-ship, slavery, humiliation, abuse and most especially sex. A B*SM set up was dark and dingy, often dirty and well if they were real most of the people that hung out there would be arrested as predators. So for me Nymph Cove is my Sanctuary, open to everyone who has been made to feel the same, by the Adult content available in Second Life. I hope to show people that consensual activity, is beautiful it is as natural as breathing. And that k**k in it's many faceted forms is not about ownership, it is not about power that flows in one direction, it really is not about having intimate interactions, but it is about finding your Balance, Discovery, Honesty, Trust and yes in many ways Love."

Delving into her joining LGH was insightful.

"Nymph Cove is very much a part of me, I want to be able to share it with everyone. But, on Second Life many people stay to regions that show popularity and when visited have others there. It is a catch 22, people look for a place to chill, but when they see there is nobody else around they move on. Nymph Cove offers a paradise I would hope, though that is not enough for the instant gratification crowd. So I joined LGH for two main reasons;
The First is easy for LGH to help me achieve a more regular flow of people visiting,
The Second was discovered after I joined, but the main reason now that I continue. One word.
The LGH community has the Variety I love and want to attract, I want a place where no matter the appearance of others, everyone shares and respects each other. We are all equal in what we Desire. I love that in people especially if it can be found here at least. Which LGH has done, they accept peoples differences, which means they accept people as they want to be seen and not who they are trying to hide or run from."

When asked if Desire is the Inspiration behind Nymph Cove?

"Desire plays a huge part in what I do yes, I can be quite selfish in that aspect. My nature is based on 10 attributes I learned a long time ago, Nymph Cove represents many of those traits in various ways of interpretation. I could talk for ages about the variety you will find here, each area built to appeal to ones desires, to give inspiration, to be able to lose yourself in an "Adult Wonderland".

So is there an overall theme?

"For the build yes, for "The Cove" not really, maybe versatility. Each area represents a tiny part of a much larger world in many ways. The overall build I like to say is a Space Station, but a huge one, it's boarders way beyond sight. Nymph Cove is a small sphere within a greater construct, it has Eco-systems, some over grown by The Cove, also Theme rooms, and sections that seem to have been ripped from where they once were.

Nymph Cove I hope to build towards a place off information. Especially in the areas of K**k and Intimacy. I am a Hedonist through to the core, but, in saying that my interpretation of "happily promiscuous person" is very different to the social perception and interpretation of the word "happily promiscuous person". These differences are best shown via the 10 Traits, for example; While I respect the dynamic of D/s to me it falls under the K**k banner of power-play. This does not mean it can't be a lifestyle as well, it just means sometimes it is easier to just say, "I'm K**ky".

So maybe the Theme of Nymph Cove is that there is no theme it is just a place where you will find acceptance in who or what ever it is you want to be in your Second Life. A place where I and I hope others will be there to help you as you help us, become better than we were yesterday.

One of my favorite places is Mermaids Grotto and I just had to ask what inspired it.

"The first section of the Grotto was aimed at being like a Mermaid Club, dancing, drinking, maybe intimacy. There are no boundaries on Nymph Cove, so technically no privacy. I am an exhibitionist so why would there be? But, it is no fun to also never be caught cause you are easy to see. So in building the Grotto and many other places I incorporated hiding spots, where the illusion of privacy can be felt, and the excitement of potentially being caught.

To me Mer are bright colorful denizens of the sea. There homes would reflect that,  90% of Mermaids Grotto is furbished with Cerridwen's Cauldron designs, perfect for my take on the deep mysteries of the sea. The new section of Mermaids Grotto is the 14 hole Mini Golf Course. This area I built just for the potential beauty it can provide, but also the fun it represents. Playing a round of Golf while exploring the furniture and hidden sections like the Tentacle Garden. Will see a day (maybe longer!?) slide by, while the memories will last I hope a lifetime. All the Tentacles are Pose HUDs I have tried to position many to look naturally for a couple or group as well."

Another fave spot are the Waterfalls, just exceptionally beautiful and they deserve some space here too!

"Hee hee the Waterfalls started as an experiment for the Great Oak that is central to them. Mysticism, Power, Old Knowledge and Ultimately the Comfort one can gain, when they realize the safety of the place. It was done really quickly as everything there just seemed to build itself. I attached it to the Avatar Center because for me it seemed to suit, raw creation in its elemental form?
Some things kinda occurred like a spare moment of "holy crap that would be cool!!" Phallus Rock (whose real name starts with a C and rhymes with rock!)is an example of that kinda moment. Also like every area on Nymph Cove I aim for scenic photography, seemingly natural back drops. To this end I place Pose HUDs on things for photographers, Phallus Rock is one such example. Oh and did you know the Thia Chi Platform can be moved to near the base of the Great Oak."

Of course, I had to know if Jisset had a specific favorite part of Nymph Cove.

"My favorite? Hmm so hard to pin down that one, I hang out in the Avatar Center the most, cause I mix and match outfits, mod some and can do that for hours. But favorite, hard to pick out, maybe once I finish the animations, the Main Group Room (for adventurous people) Theme Room, which is up in the station at the end off 4 other theme rooms. That room is Breath Taking especially in Midnight view. Oh I should point out Nymph Cove has some serious lighting effects in areas, so when you enter an area experiment with your lighting, many places transform before you to some rather amazeballs effects."

Has your time with LGH and the fishing community lived up to your expectations? Anything you wish were different/better?

So far my experience with the LGH community has been, Awesome Sauce! I am not afraid to give the people I have met and continue to meet the highest of all accolades. I just wanna lick you all over seriously. The variety of you all blows me away, your respect and understanding, especially to those few who I have talked too, privately. I am amazed to be making friends in the community as well, I did not expect it, mind you I am not so sure I knew what to expect. Pretty laid back about stuff, if I was a Pot Head I would be so mellow I would be part of the furniture...

I can't really think of anything I would wish to be different or better, maybe a duration countdown on a Plushie? Add rare finds to Gold Hunt, like a statuette that could appear at any time but seriously rare gives a Title like "Tomb Raider". Land owner Flags that can be voted on to improve on Land popularity, that consolidate all votes to Buoys and other Games owned by the Land Owner.

So to wrap it up, Jisset is a sassy, saucy, spicy and incredibly sweet person who is unabashedly herself.  Comfortable in who she is and what she wants.

Speaking of...listen up GANG, if the more adventurous of you out there feel like revelling in some pleasure on Jisset's rezz day, reach out and tell her you want to help her celebrate it with a BANG!.

Article by JerichoRains Winchester and with thanks to Kistrel for her assistance in making it site friendly

Photographs by JerichoRains Winchester with the exception of the final one supplied by Jisset


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