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Showing posts from July, 2023

Getting to know Jisset (Darkside Tinkerbell) and Nypmh Cove

  What happens when you realize your ideal place does not exist in SL?  Well you build it of course and that is exactly what Jisset, founder and builder of Nymph Cove did and we are going to delve into her inspiration and reasons in further detail. It is important to note that while the majority of the content we write about for LGH is PG. Jisset and Nymph Cove present a challenge, Nymph Cove is very much a Disneyesque Adult Wonderland, as you get to know it's Host Jisset, you soon discover that what might make others blush, if for her normal and very natural behavior. So keeping within the strict policy off this site, much of the interview will be in "code" hopefully recognizable by the more mature reader. There is reference to consensual activities but we are talking to Jisset, about Nymph Cove, so this should be expected. Never backward about coming forward, Jisset is blunt and straight to the point with what she says and wants.  The below has been slightly softened in

Chronicles of Mastery: Celebrating a Week of Triumph!!

  Step into the digital realm and marvel at the week that just went by, an electrifying mélange of victories and outstanding accomplishments. The arenas of Fish Hunt , Gold Hunt , and Cyber Society are quaked with the thrilling exploits of our digital adventurers! First, let us raise a toast to the supreme virtuosos of the pixelated rod and reel: CloeConcy Resident, Kelly Huntsman, and, yours truly, Elanna Althouse. Their achievements in the realm of Fish Hunt left many of us awestruck.

Pajama Monday!!!

  A Pajama-Clad Day of Fun and Games at LGH!! In the vibrant world of Linden Gold Hunt, we've always believed in the power of community and the joy of shared experiences. Recently, we took this belief to a whole new level with an event as unique as it was delightful - a Pajama Day! Yes, you read that right. Our community members swapped their usual attire for the comfort of their favorite pajamas. The day was filled with laughter and camaraderie. The result? An unforgettable day that was as cozy as it was thrilling. The event was a testament to the spirit of our community. Clad in their most comfortable and quirky pajamas, participants gathered for a day of fun and fishing. But the day wasn't just about comfort and style. There was also a competitive edge to the event. Participants earned GP, just for wearing their PJs.... adding an extra layer of excitement to the day. The Pajama Day was a resounding success, a testament to the strength and spirit of our community. It was a da

Honoring This Week's Successful Anglers and Virtual Trailblazers!

  Honoring This Week's Successful Anglers and Virtual Trailblazers!" The exhilarating realm of Fish Hunt, Gold Hunt, and Cyber Society offers us yet another week filled with exceptional triumphs that electrify the air! Exalting our esteemed Fishing Masters: Elina (Elina Tigerauge) Bella (BellaLuna35 Resident) Kama (KamaComplex) Elina Tigerauge holds the treasured position of this week's Top Fisher, setting her apart as a formidable force in the competitive sphere of digital angling. Her breathtaking performance, exemplifying both poise and prowess, brought forth an unprecedented catch. She's more than just a victor; she's an icon, a lighthouse guiding the way for all those dedicated anglers striving to scale similar lofty peaks. Breathing down Elina's neck is the praiseworthy second-place contender, Bella (BellaLuna35 Resident) . Her extraordinary ability to pinpoint the richest fishing zones and reel in exceptional catches secures her well-deserved podium spo

This Week's Victorious Anglers and Cyber Enthusiasts!

Celebrating the Titans of the Virtual Sea: This Week's Victorious Anglers and Cyber Enthusiasts! The invigorating world of Fish Hunt, Gold Hunt and Cyber Societies has bestowed us with another week of extraordinary accomplishments! Hailing the prowess of our Fishing champions -   Kelly Monroe Moonwall (kelly.huntsman)   Elina (elina.tingerauge) Cloe Marleen (cloeconcy)   Securing the coveted title of Top Fisher of the Week is the unrivaled Kelly Monroe Moonwall ! With an exceptional display of grace and prowess, Kelly Monroe Moonwall  has caught a historic haul and captivated us all, breathing fresh life into the vibrant sphere of competitive angling. She is not just a champion, but an inspiration, a beacon for the tenacious anglers who aspire to reach such stellar heights. Hot on Kelly's heels is our admirable runner-up, Elina Tigerauge . Her uncanny knack for identifying the most bountiful fishing territories and securing monumental catches solidifies her deserving spot o

Unleashing the Thrills of Linden Gold Hunters

  Unleashing the Thrills of Linden Gold Hunters: A Journey into Diverse Adventures and Economic Pursuits Welcome to a comprehensive resource for exploring activities in LGH. These informative guides provide a deep dive into various activities available in LGH. Whether you're new to LGH or a seasoned Fisherman or Fisherwoman, you'll find these links helpful for enhancing your skills and experiences. ARE YOU NEW TO FISH HUNT?   GET STARTED ! CLICK HERE What is Fish Hunt in Second Life? Discover the virtual fishing adventure of Fish Hunt and learn how to earn Linden Dollars through this game. An overview of L GH Gain insights into Linden Gold Hunters, an exciting treasure hunt game within Second Life. An Overview of Gold Hunters Immerse yourself in the world of Gold Hunters with this overview of the game's features and excitement. A Guide for Fish Hunt Take your fishing skills to the next level with this comprehensive guide to the Fish Hunt game. Tips and Tricks for Fish Hunt