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Showing posts from May, 2022

Fishing and Finding Hearts

  Sometimes finding someone's heart to tip them back is very easy.  Sometimes its exceptionally difficult.  There is a VERY easy method to doing it though, and I have seen people giving out the instructions for it.  Sadly, as I discussed with Loverly, by the time I get to the second sentence in those brain starts bleeding.  Loverly very kindly shared with me a streamlined instructional and I'm sharing here with all of you! First at the top menu bar go to World, Area Search, click the Filters Tab and then follow these pictures: Note that in the above picture Attachments are unchecked in the bottom half and then checked in the top half In the above picture we have clicked on the Find tab and typed in Heart and then after that you hit enter of course And like magic the box fills with the listings of people and their hearts!  Simply pick a line and right click and Touch and you can tip people easily! A great big thanks to Loverly for sharing this streamlined instr

Duties for his or her Highness! 20k GOLD to 5 people weekly

 It is a heavy crown our Cyber QUEENS & KINGS have to wear! Beside being in the eyes & thoughts of public of 43,000+ people who each has different ideas & follows or falls under different interest spheres. +Being the talk of the town. Believe me this can get heavy & is a price one has to pay for being FAMOUS! Royal Weekly DUTIES: The active standing QUEEN or KING has to reward 5 members who contributed most previous week for growth of LGH & Cyber Kingdom. Each citizen who is seen as most contributing by the Queen or KING is rewarded 20,000 GOLD.

United Cyber Kingdoms Of Second Life - The Vision

Vision for Cyber Kingdom Is hundreds of Cyber Kingdoms in SL. Each sim or multiple adjoined sims under its own Cyber King or Queen. Each with their own THEME & OWN rules (can be role play or non role play)   - Players join under Kingdom they want to be citizen of - GOLD Wallet & API for scripters to interact with it - GOLD gets status of role play tokens. - GOLD enhances ROLE PLAY, unlocks access, status / titles, can be taken away as punishment - GOLD CAN'T BE SOLD for L$ by players to not BREAK LL TOS - and gold vendor would be placed on every ROLE PLAY sim with 25 - 50 or even 75% of the GOLD sales proceeds in L$ going to respective King or Queen (owner of the SIM). Hundreds of cyber kingdoms in SL with 1 being the United Cyber Kingdom of all. And in that one the King of all Kings & Queens is elected by all the citizens of all kingdoms with weekly g-votes or GOLD they earned in game or purchased with L$ from gold vendors on sims. - The main role of the United Cyber K