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Showing posts from April, 2022

Getting to know Jisset (Darkside Tinkerbell) and Nypmh Cove

  What happens when you realize your ideal place does not exist in SL?  Well you build it of course and that is exactly what Jisset, founder and builder of Nymph Cove did and we are going to delve into her inspiration and reasons in further detail. It is important to note that while the majority of the content we write about for LGH is PG. Jisset and Nymph Cove present a challenge, Nymph Cove is very much a Disneyesque Adult Wonderland, as you get to know it's Host Jisset, you soon discover that what might make others blush, if for her normal and very natural behavior. So keeping within the strict policy off this site, much of the interview will be in "code" hopefully recognizable by the more mature reader. There is reference to consensual activities but we are talking to Jisset, about Nymph Cove, so this should be expected. Never backward about coming forward, Jisset is blunt and straight to the point with what she says and wants.  The below has been slightly softened in

Limited Time BREED - Easter Snuffles 2022

  The 4 Easter Snuffles  (pink, green, yellow, blue)  for 2022 have been released! Released on 14th of April and you can already breed them!  For now only WHITE Starter Skin Snuffles (Skin IDs: 13 - 16) can breed them!The price of white starter skin snuffles started growing on market! Just yesterday they were available at 3 L$ each. Today already: 9 - 13 L$ male 10 - 45 L$ female Get them while they're still cheap & good luck getting your Easter 2022 Skin Snuffle!     Easter skin designs by AlaricEvo