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Getting to know Jisset (Darkside Tinkerbell) and Nypmh Cove

  What happens when you realize your ideal place does not exist in SL?  Well you build it of course and that is exactly what Jisset, founder and builder of Nymph Cove did and we are going to delve into her inspiration and reasons in further detail. It is important to note that while the majority of the content we write about for LGH is PG. Jisset and Nymph Cove present a challenge, Nymph Cove is very much a Disneyesque Adult Wonderland, as you get to know it's Host Jisset, you soon discover that what might make others blush, if for her normal and very natural behavior. So keeping within the strict policy off this site, much of the interview will be in "code" hopefully recognizable by the more mature reader. There is reference to consensual activities but we are talking to Jisset, about Nymph Cove, so this should be expected. Never backward about coming forward, Jisset is blunt and straight to the point with what she says and wants.  The below has been slightly softened in

Kistrel's Spotlight: Captivations Erotica Gallery, Grayvie (Inara Lunasea)


Hey there!  Good to see you again and thanks for stopping by!

So you have managed to get through my first 2 Spotlights and contributions to the LGH blog in general and you are back again?! You must be a glutton for punishment but it is greatly appreciated! <3

Changing the pace a bit this week, our next spotlight is on someone who is a "formidable force" when it comes to fishing!  In addition,, she has also been busy in LGH including starting a new Kingdom and holding the position of Art Curator for the Captivations art galleries along with meeting the artists and procuring the pieces that are on display. within each.  

As the trumpets blast announcing her arrival, let's roll out the red (or would it be purple since she is Kingdom Royalty?!) carpet and learn a bit about Inara Lunasea, aka Grayvie, aka GQ, aka Queen of the Reel Reunion! Firstly, I would like to thank GQ for taking the time to have a chat with me and share some of her journey within LGH. 

Q:  So GQ, would you care to share any of your Second Life journey including how and when you found Fish Hunt with us?

A: I first stumbled upon Fish Hunt back in 2016 in another life. I had forgot the login information when returning back to SL and Grayvie was born Jan 2022. Starting a brand new life, as we all do, a broke Avi baby I needed some money. Since I was already familiar with how to fish, I returned back to the HQ and collected my Purple beginner rod about a week after my account was created. Frizzy free hair and all. I enjoy making friends so fishing was a fun way to meet new people and make a bit of pocket money. By March 2022 I had met some amazing friends and we started up our own hang out called Gameland I purchased my first buoy and plopped into the pond so other fishers could play with us.

Q: You are not only the Art Curator but an investor as well in the Captivations Galleries.  What attracted you to this opportunity along with the potion. itself and how do you see this complimenting the existing  activities within the community?

A:  SL is full of so many amazing creators. When I first heard about the gallery I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet new people and support others in the work that they do. And also have a nice spot for the fishers to relax and appreciate some art as well as introduce artists to the wonderful community we have here. I really enjoy trying new things and traveling around SL in search of artists and bringing them back to meet my friends has been a lot of fun.

Q:  Overall,, how many hours would you guess you fish per week and do you have any other activities you enjoy doing in you Second Life?

A: It really depends on the week, I am by no means a top fisher. Sometimes life gets in the way and I fish 0, other times I stay up way past my bedtime fishing the night away. I do enjoy other things in SL including DJing, hosting, rping, playing tabletop games with friends, visiting new places. There is so much to do and explore here.

Q: With a rapidly rising member rate, what do you feel sets the Reel Reunion apart from the other Kingdoms and what is on offer for potential new members?

A:  The Reel Reunion Kingdom has been so fun so far! I didn't realize it would grow so fast. It started mostly on a whim, fishing with friends we thought it would be fun to start a fresh new Kingdom. We have land available for our farmers as well as market stalls for the crafters. We will be starting events soon, but I think the best part is a great group of people to have fun and fish with. As well as a little healthy competition.

Q: What are your favourite fishing locations and why?

A: Ohhh. This is a hard question. There are so many to choose from. I am a frequent flier at the HQ and there is never a shortage of people to chat with there. I would say I am usually found most often near the buoys by the galleries. Wolfland is such a fun place to go. I love how the buoys are hidden in the build and there is plenty do do there while you fish. I also always enjoy my visits to Skar's Tavern listening to music and dancing while fishing.

Q: Is there anything else you wold like to share with the LGH community so we can learn even more about you?! :-)  

A:  I'm mostly just normal. I am a garden geek and love meeting new people and making new friends. Oh and coffee. If you see me fishing say hi. I don't bite too hard.

Now while she mentions she may not bite too hard I do know she has a thing for spanking so be prepared if you are in her presence for too long!  In addition,  you never know what is gong to come out of her mouth or what photo she may drop in your pocket but one thing is for certain, you will be laughing and possibly scared in equal measures!

And while she may look sweet and innocent (HA!) she has a little evil streak which will be fully evident when you see the tag I have to wear for the next week!  

In closing, thank you GQ for taking the time to speak with me and allowing me to put you in the Spotlight this week.   

Until next time, may your worms not wriggle and your catch be bountiful! 


*Article by Kistrel Hawker

*Photography by Kozmo Reitman


  1. It's nice to read Kisrel's pieces. It's very nice to hear or read what others have done and are still doing


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