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Getting to know Jisset (Darkside Tinkerbell) and Nypmh Cove

  What happens when you realize your ideal place does not exist in SL?  Well you build it of course and that is exactly what Jisset, founder and builder of Nymph Cove did and we are going to delve into her inspiration and reasons in further detail. It is important to note that while the majority of the content we write about for LGH is PG. Jisset and Nymph Cove present a challenge, Nymph Cove is very much a Disneyesque Adult Wonderland, as you get to know it's Host Jisset, you soon discover that what might make others blush, if for her normal and very natural behavior. So keeping within the strict policy off this site, much of the interview will be in "code" hopefully recognizable by the more mature reader. There is reference to consensual activities but we are talking to Jisset, about Nymph Cove, so this should be expected. Never backward about coming forward, Jisset is blunt and straight to the point with what she says and wants.  The below has been slightly softened in

Kistrel's Spotlight: Captivations Erotica Artist Pau


It is easy to think of the fishing, coins and various jobs when exploring the activities within the LGH community. for that is what keeps us busy most of the time.  Having said that, when you are looking for a break from the buoys and coin chasing, the Captivations Erotic Gallery is a great way to pass time while admiring some of the more....titillating....offerings of the community.  

The Erotic Gallery is housed in two separate buildings accessible via the teleport located at the Adult Second Life Ads landing spot.  Now as the name suggests, you are not going to find replicas of Van Gogh or Michelangelo here, and in the event that you do, I can assure you the sexiness level will be amplified, ten-fold.   
The first building (round in structure) provides something for those more into the hard-core art while the modern building beyond ;provides less explicit, but still sensual, pieces.  In layman's terms, the first building contains penetration scenes whereas the 2nd building does not.

Regardless which you choose to visit, we suggest you take advantage of the Art Lover job offering 80 GP/5 min and take your time to appreciate the individual talents of the artists whose pieces are on display.

To cater to all artistic tastes, we also have the Captivations gallery which is located to the right of the Society yellow buoy at the Business Park.  Here you will find equally creative pieces although we house no explicit/adult/nude material at this location.  
In summary, regardless of your preferred artistic medium, our own Art Curator, Inara Lunasea (aka Grayvie), has combed the sims of Second Life searching for the best artists ensuring we have something for everyone.  
Without further adieu, let's meet our current featured artist Pau (paualejandro). 

Thank you Pau  for taking the time to chat with me today and  provide some insight into you, your art and inspirations.

Q: Would you please tell us a bit about your Second Life journey and feel free to include any details about yourself that you wish to share with the community?  

A:   In this  SL reincarnation, I decided  to focus on learning an SL skill.  After looking at building, scripting. RP weapons, I decided to look at Photography.  No regrets,  its been an amazing journey and  I've met some interesting, innovative people.

Q: Besides the obvious being art, do you have any other interests in Second Life?

A:  I sail very badly,   I  guess one thing i really  enjoy is making my avatar, Its a real  expression  of  myself,  my persona.  And this is what led me to photography,  People spend time and  resources on developing their avatars and their living  spaces, The role of  the photographer is to capture and celebrate  the work they have done. 

Q: With Second Life being the ultimate creative playground, where do you find your inspiration and do you have any favourite locations you regularly use in your work?

A:  Since i photograph  people, I prefer to work either in my studio  where  i  have complete control. Or in the living spaces of my models. Details  tell stories.

Q: If you had to describe your artistic style to others, what would you say?

A: I'm a portrait Photographer. I don't like porn but love erotica.

Q: Is there anything else that you would want to share with the LGh community?

A: I look forward  to meeting all of you, Learning about you and sharing a  bit of SL with you.   Thank you for  your interest in my work and passion,

I would like to thank Pau for taking the time  to speak with me today and share a bit about yourself and your art with us.  To see our featured artist Pau's work, please visit  Captivations Erotica!

So between the buoys and in your relaxation time, we hope you will pay a visit soon to each gallery that tickles your fancy.!  


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