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Getting to know Jisset (Darkside Tinkerbell) and Nypmh Cove

  What happens when you realize your ideal place does not exist in SL?  Well you build it of course and that is exactly what Jisset, founder and builder of Nymph Cove did and we are going to delve into her inspiration and reasons in further detail. It is important to note that while the majority of the content we write about for LGH is PG. Jisset and Nymph Cove present a challenge, Nymph Cove is very much a Disneyesque Adult Wonderland, as you get to know it's Host Jisset, you soon discover that what might make others blush, if for her normal and very natural behavior. So keeping within the strict policy off this site, much of the interview will be in "code" hopefully recognizable by the more mature reader. There is reference to consensual activities but we are talking to Jisset, about Nymph Cove, so this should be expected. Never backward about coming forward, Jisset is blunt and straight to the point with what she says and wants.  The below has been slightly softened in

Fishing and Manners-OpEd by Kistrel Hawker


One of the really spectacular things about Second Life is the ability to be who you want to be and adopt whatever persona you choose.  For some that can be a non-human life-form whether it is an adorable cat, a cute bee, a scary reaper or a wolf!  For others it is creating the "person! they want to be or see themselves as in this virtual world which may or may not coincide with their existence in "real life" and  that is ok too!

Regardless how an individual chooses to express themselves or live their SL, it is important to remember that behind every avatar (well most at least!)  there is a real person with real emotions and we should always aim to treat one another with kindness while embracing the diversity of our community.   

Now, with any community is everyone going to adore one another, absolutely not and that is life regardless which one you are logged in to!  I certainly know I am not everyone's cup of tea but I am a damn good shot of vodka on occasion but then not everyone likes vodka and some prefer tequila.  I tend to talk too much, am pretty damn open about most everything and can be a bit blunt and I cuss....a LOT!  Having said that, I try to gauge  when that is acceptable (and often fail!) as I don't want to be intentionally offensive towards anyone.


Ok so this post is not about me and my faults but I think you get my drift!  It is easy to make assumptions about someone based on how they look, dress, who they hang out with etc. but it is never ok to pass judgment on someone you don't know and it is especially not cool to make anyone the target of gossip.   One of my favourite quotes in regards to this is "Those who gossip with you will gossip about you" or a more blunt one being "Those who stir the shit should be forced to lick the spoon!".  

So enough with my spreading the love and encouraging a group hug and a rendition of "Kum ba yah"  while regurgitating life lessons we all know.      

While I am certainly no etiquette expert by ANY stretch of the imagination the  following are some suggestions to help keep the love and joy at the buoys!!

The landowners are who make it possible for us to fish and earn the lindens!  They should always be thanked if present on the sim and if not, it is just nice to express appreciation for the fish and/or event.

Keep in mind that your fellow fishers may be of a different ethnicity, religion or have different political beliefs that differ from your own.  Unless you are at a buoy with one or two close friends, it is advisable not to bring any of those topics in local chat.  

Not everyone wants to have sex with you and some are interested more in catching fish than your attention.  If you don't get a reply to your IM, take that as a hint!
Upon landing at a location, please move away fro the TP landing spot.  As funny as it is to see someone land on top of someone else, it can be especially difficult to move about at busy locations.

If you participate in the Society, always try to personally thank those who have tipped you.   

In the event a tip jar is present and you can afford it, donations are always appreciated by the land owners.  If not tip jar is present, you can always pay into the buoy!  If unable to donate lindens, utilising your weekly g votes is also a good way to express appreciation to the land owner.  

If you are not collecting mats, don't pitch a tent in the mat collecting area.  I have been known to be guilty of this one but am trying to do better!

In closing, I think we can learn from the wisdom of Bill and Ted and I ask that you go forward, fish and "Be excellent to each other!"
Happy and harmonious fishing LGH!

*Random Photos by JerichoRains


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