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Unleashing the Thrills of Linden Gold Hunters

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Monday is Memorial Day

 As we approach this Memorial Day Monday, a veteran friend posed a question - if I would be penning a few words in honor of the day. This sparked a journey for me into the virtual world of Second Life, a quest to discover how people commemorated their loved ones who served our country.

Sadly, I found nothing. No tributes for our veterans, no acknowledgments for Memorial Day. This discovery left a melancholy shroud over my heart. I was reminded of my mother, her eyes glistening with tears as she recounted how many of her high school classmates had never returned from Vietnam. Of the innocent young boys of her graduating class, each and everyone impacted by the draft - most never made it home.

A similar tale unfolded for my grandparents during World War II. They were just kids, but they were thrust into a reality far removed from the innocence of childhood. Regardless of our political affiliations, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for our children, siblings, aunts and uncles, parents, and grandparents who sacrificed their lives while serving our country.

As I grow older, I often find myself looking at youngsters, barely out of their teens, and it saddens me to think of the children our nation sends into war - somebody's beloved children. Regardless of your political standing or whether you've personally experienced the loss of a loved one in service, I believe that if you have a heart, you feel a pang for the parents who had to endure the devastating news that their child would not be returning home.

Do you have a story to share about a family member or a loved one who passed while serving in a war? I'd be truly honored to hear from you. If I receive any submissions, I will compile them into a tribute this Memorial Day Monday. Please indicate whether you're comfortable with me including your name, and kindly share your loved one's story.

If you're nearby, feel free to drop your story into the cute pink mailbox located just outside my office. You can't miss it; it's right next to the help center in Business Park, near the striking red buoy and the jobs center (previously the old media center).

 If you're still unsure about where to find it, just drop it to me in an IM. Just give me a heads-up, that you sent it, because sometimes things can go awry in there!

This Memorial Day, let's remember those wide-eyed youngsters who were shipped off to war, the ones who never returned to the warmth of their loved ones' embrace. The kids whose loyal dogs waited in vain for their return. Let's remember, and let's honor them.

And...  I will give GP to the people who submitted their stories. How Much GP you ask?   That will solely depend on the number of submissions.   I will divide 5000 GP between all the submissions I get.   So if your the only one?    wow ...  congrats :)    

Looking for my mailbox?   Go to:
Then look for it next to the door that says Not Public :)  


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