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Unleashing the Thrills of Linden Gold Hunters

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Senate Proposal: Rewards for farmers!

    Earlier today, Baroness Sophina Starchild sent out a new proposal for consideration by the Royal Senate of our Cyber Society! She has proposed reward farmers gold based on their farm count! Her reasoning behind said proposal comes down to the fact that farmers are an important part of the fishing economy! As many of you might know, or many not, composters, water pumps, and sunflowers all need to be watered to progress. If not, the progress is stunted and it takes longer. Farmers can place rewards to create incentive for citizens to go around watering these farms to keep the process going! 

    So Sophina has proposed that farmers be rewarded 1000 Gold for every ten farms that they have, of
course after verifying said farms are theirs.

    I've decided to interview a few farmers to get their opinions. There are many factors that go into the production of bio, water, worms, and snuffle seeds. They have to worry about materials, prices, and some of them even rent!

Q:What are your thoughts about the overall proposal?

"I was also thinking, recently, to give a monthly prize-pool to the best 20 best farmers of all times, instead, but that could be a problem for the treasure, so....a lifetime prize in golds shouldn't not a problem" - Hal Blazing

" can reward it yes or vote with it, you also get some points for Farming..." - AL

 "To me it sounds like a fair proposal and I hope it will be accepted." - Cloe Marleen

"I think any proposal to motivate farming is good!" - Nellie Nemeth 

    These are among some of the farmers and citizens that I have interviewed asking them about what they think. While I did interview quite a few, there was lots more that was exchanged but I'm not here to info dump you with long conversations. 

    What are you own thoughts on the proposal? Share them so maybe the senate can hear your thoughts. They are meant to represent citizens after all! We'll all find out soon enough what happens with the proposal. For now, everyone enjoy your week and happy fishing!

-Cyber Society Blog Editor

Yoku Higitsune


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