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Interview with Skar



Skar: Our New King of Cyber Society

I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Skar, the newly appointed King of Cyber Society, to discuss his journey, aspirations, and contributions to the LGH community.

Elanna: Congratulations on becoming the new Monarch of our Cyber Society, Skar! How does it feel to take on this prestigious role?

Skar: Thank you, it's both an honor and privilege to become King of Cyber Society. It feels great to reach this pinnacle within LGH. Many along the way have been very supportive and inspirational enough to have me continue to push forward until reaching this role.

Elanna: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey in Second Life over the past 16 years?

Skar: Sure! I was born February 24, 1965, and raised in Colorado, I moved to NY in '89, and have been here ever since. Married for 30 years. My journey in Second Life began in 2007, departed in 2008, and returned in 2019, so missed a lot of it. When I returned, I was a 2008 Avatar in a mesh world lol. Have since learned so much about the bodies, etc. I have completely made over Skar myself, which includes shape, etc, and a lot of tweaking the sliders including tinting, no extra skins purchased.

Elanna: What inspired you to become involved in the Cyber Society and LGH community?

Skar: I was a fisherman, kept to myself for maybe three months, then started getting involved in LGH chat, etc. Eventually, I decided to get some land and have my own events etc, after which Cassie, who was Elder at the time, continued to ask me to join Cyber Society. So all my inspiration is credited to Cassie, one of the best Elders ever in LGH.

Elanna: Transitioning into your role as the new Monarch, what are your goals and visions for the Cyber Society moving forward?

Skar: To do as I have always done, be myself, stay positive, and encourage others to participate in the future.

Elanna: Let's talk about the events and activities you organize at Skars Tavern. Can you share some details about them?

Skar: All the events held at the Tavern are sporadic, I never have a set schedule for doing events, I prefer to just make it happen and bring people together hoping they enjoy being there and not just another event. I have grown to enjoy DJing as well and try to get everyone involved, including requesting their own taste in music.

Elanna: How do you believe your experience as a landowner contributes to your role as Monarch?

Skar: As a Land Owner, we have the opportunity to meet and greet the entire Cyber Society community and myself as the Land Owner. The community can see who I am firsthand, as I am usually quite involved in whatever event I may be partaking in, and if they can enjoy themselves while being on My piece of paradise I have succeeded in making someone smile. I lead by example and hope that resonates with others to be yourself, be honest, and stay positive.

Elanna: Moving beyond LGH, tell us about Hivid at the Bay. What prompted you to open a store in Second Life?

Skar: I believe in the company as a whole and decided to partake in it moving forward. Everyone loves watching movies for the most part including myself, so I figured why not try to make a little extra income doing something in that category.

Elanna: What advice would you give to new residents or those looking to become more involved in the LGH community?

Skar: I believe in taking your time and making sure you are enjoying yourself first and foremost. I see many that jump into the dragon's mouth wanting only the best and finding out a few months later they don't like it. You're not going to become rich overnight, there is no real end game, it's relaxing and a great way to make new friends also. Don't be afraid to ask questions and always say thank you to the Land Owner (LO) who is sponsoring an event/s.

Elanna: Can you share any memorable moments or experiences you've had within the LGH community?

Skar: Unexpectedly winning Mr. Sexy, we had a lot of terrific competitors and a fun experience. Being voted as Cyber Society's President of Legislature was another surprise, that's been a fun experience for the most part, I like seeing people come up with fun ideas they hope others would like to share. Also winning 1st and 2nd Place in the LGH Weekly Royal Fishing Hunt.

Elanna: What do you enjoy most about being a part of the LGH community?

Skar: I would have to say the diversity it offers, allows everyone to participate no matter their own beliefs and offers the opportunity to share with others be it through talking, or your individual avatar, etc. We all have good and bad days, but the overall mood remains positive among everyone.

Elanna: How do you handle challenges or conflicts within the community, and what strategies do you employ to resolve them?

Skar: I handle challenges in stride, one step at a time, when it comes to conflicts within the community, I would suggest bringing up the good and bad points and coming to a common ground agreement on what both sides can live with, based on the only resources available, as they are not magically created.

Elanna: Finally, what message would you like to share with the LGH community and its members as their newly appointed Monarch?

Skar: I would like to say thank you to all of you who have supported me throughout my journey in LGH to have allowed me to reach this pinnacle within our society and hope that it shows others they can as well with patience and staying humble. Thank you everyone for all your voting, always will be appreciated.

In conclusion, Skar's journey from a fisherman to the King of Cyber Society is one filled with dedication, community spirit, and a passion for creating memorable experiences.

His commitment to authenticity, positivity, and inclusivity shines through in his approach to organizing events, resolving conflicts, and offering guidance to newcomers. With a focus on diversity and shared enjoyment, Skar embodies the essence of what makes the LGH community vibrant and welcoming.

As he continues to lead with humility and gratitude, Skar's message of patience, perseverance, and appreciation serves as an inspiration to all members of the LGH community.

Until Next Time....


*All Photo's by: JerichoRains


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