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JerichoRains: A Newcomer's Journey in Second Life and LGH

JerichoRains Resident

A Newcomer's Journey in Second Life and LGH

In an insightful conversation with JerichoRains Resident, affectionately known as Jeri, we gained a deeper understanding of her recent foray into Second Life and her quick integration into the vibrant LGH community.

Q: How did you discover Second Life, and what motivated you to join the platform?

Jeri: I have known about Second Life for years as I had "busted" my aunt playing it on one of her visits. The games I've played prior to being in SL were all mainly games with purpose (i.e. Rift just to name one). I played around a different social network "game" but never really liked the set up there or the no purpose life. My aunt left SL in 2014 but she encouraged me to come to SL, saying if you're going to be newb, SL is the best place for it. She threw me in the deep-end after arranging a "safety net" so I would have a base to shoot home too.

Q: You've been in Second Life for just one month. What aspects have fascinated you the most during this short period?

Jeri: That is a tough question. I would have to answer on two different levels. First, emotionally: Somehow after a chance meeting with Enchante and (sorry Thor!) breaking Alexis, Aki Chi found us there, and we somehow, by accident formed a family (Chanzeonz, Jax Rayne, Jay Nefarious, Nicolette, Uncle Wolfie, and Nariko are all part of the family). This was amazing. It did not happen by intent or plan, it just happened. Second is Creative. How incredible that anyone has the same "right" to create, be it scripting, texturing, animations, and building. No obstacles, just a willingness to learn and do. I had a lot of fun tweaking my shape into something not everyone else looks like as well as pleasing to me.

Joining LGH: A Dive into Fishing and Community

As our conversation delved deeper, Jeri shared insights into her discovery of the LGH community and her venture into the world of virtual fishing.

Q: What led you to become a part of LGH, and how did you find out about the Fishing competitions?

Jeri: I saw something about it somewhere (I wish I could remember where) and from a prior platform I did NOT want to spend my time just going to clubs (if that's anyone else's thing, you do you) and figured I would give it a try. That's how I met Chanz, and he was super helpful in my getting denewbed! I found out about the fishing competition from the Pickle spammage lol. Figured what the heck it's free, let's see what it's about.

Q: As a newcomer, what has been the most memorable experience you've had in LGH so far?

Jeri: My most memorable experience...another tough one. Some great, some rather horrid. So there's at least two positives tho that outshin everything else. My family here, I feel truly blessed to have such awesome people in my life, and how could I not include winning the 3rd place trophy in this ;)

A Peek into Jeri's Profile and Approach to Interaction

Digging into her profile insights, we explored Jeri's personal traits and how they influence her interactions within Second Life and LGH.

Q: In your profile, you mention being a better listener than talker. How has this trait influenced your interactions within Second Life and LGH specifically?

Jeri: Ah, the talk question lol. I have had to be MORE of a talker as many fishers just don't talk, and I'm often a silly, irreverent person. As far as outside of there an outside of LGH??? Oh, and since you brought up my profile words...the Mostly Harmless is from a book series by Douglas Adams "HitchHIker's Guide to the Galaxy," and the sequel to it was "So long and Thanks for all the Fish"....

Exploring Photography and Creative Expression

Beyond fishing and community interactions, Jeri shared insights into her budding passion for photography within the virtual realm.

Q: When did you discover your passion for photography, and what inspired you to start capturing moments in Second Life?

Jeri: I've always been a fair photographer (amateur status) RL, finding the fun tools and tricks to improve on my SL work has been an interesting journey. My inspiration for delving deeper into it here in SL was purely you, Elanna ;)

Q: As a photographer in Second Life, how do you approach selecting scenes or settings for your photographs, and do you have any favorite locations that stand out to you?

Jeri: I have a few favorite locations, one is Extreme; they do such a lovely job there changing it up for the season and making it very, very interesting and pretty, dramatically so in winter, and before Kelly changed it, the red buoy area of Pornfish, loved the whimsy and fantasy of it. There's a specific spot in Zamargad and Shark Isle I am partial to as well. In selecting a subject or area for my own personal has to be something that strikes with the WOW in regular mode. It is purely subjective, and sometimes it is a moment that just happens and is gone in a blink.

Goals, Aspirations, and a Touch of Humor

Looking ahead, we explored Jeri's aspirations within LGH and Second Life.

Q: As a new member of the LGH community, what goals or aspirations do you have, both in terms of activities and social interactions?

Jeri: Goals and aspirations...I do try to give back to the community in small ways, as well as sharing how much I enjoy fishing with others I meet. At the end of the day though the best thing I can do is to be me, be kind to everyone because the RL can suck and be stressful. Until my plans for world domination are ready.. I promise to be a kind and generous dictator...

Q: What advice would you give to other newcomers who are just starting their journey in Second Life and considering joining LGH?

Jeri: If you're just starting, start slow, learn all the tricks, meet people, make friends, join a kingdom. THEN put your plans for world domination into effect.

As we wrapped up our conversation, Jeri emerged as a vibrant addition to the LGH community—a listener, a talker, and a Mostly Harmless force of positivity. Her journey, marked by chance encounters, creative exploration, and a touch of whimsy, paints a vivid picture of the dynamic experiences awaiting newcomers in Second Life.

A Huge Congrats to Jericho, along with all the other winners this week!


*All photographs in this article are taken by JerichoRains


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